Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Say it ain't so!!

My not so little boy, just got his driver's permit...
I can't believe we are in this phase of our lives already. I remember getting my permit, what seems not so long ago. The rules have sure changed from when I got my permit/license. Back in the day, you have driver's ed in school, then get your permit and when you turn 16 you get your license. Here, there was a couple options to choose from.. turn 15 pay $300-$400 for a 1 week class and so many hours of driving with an instructor get your permit and then drive 50 hours with mom and dad 10 of those being at night. OR wait until your 15 1/2 take a $30 drivers awareness (alive at 25 type class) get your permit and drive 50 hours with mom and dad(10 of which are at night). Both permits you have to have for 1 full year before you can get your license!! We opted for the 2nd choice... it costs less money.
After he got his permit, I took him on some unpopulated roads in Reunion to get a feel for the car... you forget what comes naturally to you. I told him to put his foot on the brake before putting it into gear... he did and was ready to put it into drive... then realized he was just resting his foot on the brake.. I guess he took 'put your foot on the brake' literally!! :) I guess I need to be more specific - put your foot on the brake and apply pressure!!!! LOL!!
He did great... drove around for about 15 minutes and decided to call it quits!! It was time to go back to school anyway!!
Congrats~~ I am so proud of you Glenn!!


Patti Miller said...

It's hilarious! Josh starts signaling like a mile before the turn! Oh well better safe than sorry..........i guess:)

OnGod'sErrand said...

It takes courage to teach kids to drive! I crashed into the neighbors car on my first dad turned the teaching over to my mom. :) But, teaching is the easy part, just wait til he wants to take the car out ALONE!