Monday, October 6, 2008

On a Mission

We have a problem - these are all over our back yard.
We noticed it got worse over the summer when our veggies were missing.... not kiddin' ya - he ate a whole row of my corn!! Not to mention my green beans, peas, watermelons, cantelope and cucumbers.... nasty lil booger!
Items needed for removal:
Shovel - dig up dirt and expose the hole

Sling Shot - sit on stake out and try to whack the thing...

Mr. Gopher poked his head up long enough for Glenn to 'fire in the hole' and he scared the thing.. time to move onto other means... super gassers (here he is lighting the thing) See the smoke coming out from the corner of the stone? Mission accomplished?? Time will tell. We have not seen a fresh mound of dirt since.. so hopefully he's gone for good!

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